Topic: Team Building

Addressing Complex Social Issues through Corporate Activism

S1E30: Amy Smith, TOMS

We knew that the world around us is changing and that there might be other things that not only mean a lot to our employees and to our customers, but that we can have real impact in.

Episode 29: Marcy Scott Lynn

S1E29 ENCORE: Marcy Scott Lynn, Facebook

I was motivated by the idea [of] social connections being an important component of bouncing back. That’s what resilience is: bouncing back and being stronger the next time.

Episode 28: Gary Bagley

S1E28: Gary Bagley, New York Cares

I enjoy enabling others to fully engage in their talent and their skills… and really mobilizing people [on] an issue… I love letting everybody else shine in a way that is good for them and their audience, whoever that may be.

Episode 18: Greg Baldwin

S1E18: Greg Baldwin, VolunteerMatch

I’m always delighted and surprised by the breadth and depth of opportunities out there for people to get involved… There’s just so much more variety for people to find something that’s a real fit with their own interests and passions than there was 20 years ago.