Topic: Innovation

S2E5: Cecily Joseph, Net Impact

S2E05: Cecily Joseph, Net Impact

The talent is there, but we need to proactively go out and look for it and we also need to be thoughtful about creating diverse entry points for talent.

S2E4: Jeff Senne, PwC

S2E04: Jeff Senne, PwC

Diversity and inclusion takes a lot of shapes and sizes and forms and if we can [amplify or broaden our communities], we’re more creative, we’re more innovative, we’re more perceptive and we’re all more successful.

Episode 37: Robert Lee

S1E37 ENCORE: Robert Lee, Rescuing Leftover Cuisine

Every time I think about the statistics, the pure math of the problem, I always think about that if you take one third of the food that is going to waste and bring it to people who are food insecure, that is enough nutrition to eliminate food insecurity.

Addressing Complex Social Issues through Corporate Activism

S1E33 ENCORE: Amy Smith, TOMS

Entering humbly, surrounding ourselves with the experts, learning as much as we can and then putting our money where our mouth is, are those fundamental things that I think can apply to natural disasters, that can apply to manmade disasters, that can apply to issues where you’re taking a stand.