HomePro Bono Perspectives PodcastS1E36: Myung Lee, Cities of Service

S1E36: Myung Lee, Cities of Service

November 12, 2019 | 33 min listen

What we need to get better at is asking people to help us and telling them how they can help us.

In this episode of Pro Bono Perspectives, host Danielle Holly talks citizen engagement with Myung Lee, Executive Director of Cities of Service. Part of Bloomberg Philanthropies’ American Cities Initiative, Cities of Service is a nonprofit that helps mayors build stronger cities by changing the way local government and citizens work together.

Danielle and Myung discuss how intent to volunteer is significantly higher than actual rates of volunteerism, indicating that people want to get involved, they just don’t know where to start or how they want to give their time and talents. Cities of Service activates this dormant civic engagement by helping local governments to partner with the community and get better at facilitating opportunities for citizens to get involved.

To learn about Cities of Service programs, success stories and how you can get involved, visit citiesofservice.org.

Episode 36: Myung Lee