Topic: Business Case

Episode 18: Greg Baldwin

S1E18: Greg Baldwin, VolunteerMatch

I’m always delighted and surprised by the breadth and depth of opportunities out there for people to get involved… There’s just so much more variety for people to find something that’s a real fit with their own interests and passions than there was 20 years ago.

Episode 14: Daniel Horgan

S1E14: Daniel Horgan, MENTOR

Now that I’ve worked in different sectors, I feel like I can play the role of helping to translate between the sectors…anything we are doing in the philanthropic space needs to be aligned to a business goal.

S1E13: Krista Canellakis, City of San Francisco

The really exciting part of working in government is that we want people to steal our ideas. I love meeting with public servants in other cities to see how our work can be shared or replicated.

Episode 12: Whitney Hampton

S1E12: Whitney Hampton, Gap Foundation

When I look back, the biggest theme running through my work is looking for opportunities where what I am doing is creating an environment for others to identify what they really care about so that they can give back.