Pro Bono Perspectives Rewind: September 2021
Catch up on the latest Pro Bono Perspectives podcast episodes from September 2021!
Catch up on the latest Pro Bono Perspectives podcast episodes from September 2021!
More over the last three years than any time in my tenure, people reference their service as activism… It’s led people to have a broader social justice or racial justice framework in their service that directs where they want to serve and the context around their service.
Bridging the digital divide requires action and collaboration across an entire ecosystem – government, private sector, nonprofits – and most importantly, passionate and committed people driving change.
Common Impact announces the election of Dorri McWhorter as a member of their Board of Directors, to bolster the organization’s national presence and mission of aligning business and social purpose to create more equitable communities.
There’s no better investment than in our staff because we know that when we do so, they will be fortified and ready to address the needs of the community.
We cannot unsee what we saw [during the pandemic]. We can’t just paper over differences and do things that feel good because that’s what’s most comfortable. We need to be uncomfortable in a way that gives us urgency to impact folks [who] are caught in these disparities.
On June 23, Allstate professionals across the country will collaborate with nonprofits dedicated to building a more equitable society for The Allstate Foundation Day of Service to Advance Racial Equity.
From the beginning, there was such mutual respect for the knowledge that we [each] brought to the table.
Every day, I’m making decisions that have a political and social impact: where I buy my ingredients, whose recipe I’m following, where I’m picking up my takeout from, who I’m inviting to my table. All of these decisions have political and social ramifications and taking advantage of that and being mindful of it is powerful.