Audience: Nonprofits

Episode 29: Marcy Scott Lynn

S1E23: Marcy Scott Lynn, Facebook

I was motivated by the idea [of] social connections being an important component of bouncing back. That’s what resilience is: bouncing back and being stronger the next time.

The Knitting Factor: Why Skills-Based Volunteering Done Right Works

Common Impact has designed hundreds of meaningful skills-based volunteer partnerships over the years, and has watched them sustain far past the individual projects that initially bring business and nonprofit professionals together. Along the way, we’ve asked ourselves a few questions. What makes some skills-based engagements work better than others? When do we see partnerships move …

The Knitting Factor: Why Skills-Based Volunteering Done Right Works Read More »

Episode 18: Greg Baldwin

S1E18: Greg Baldwin, VolunteerMatch

I’m always delighted and surprised by the breadth and depth of opportunities out there for people to get involved… There’s just so much more variety for people to find something that’s a real fit with their own interests and passions than there was 20 years ago.