Topic: Digital Inclusion

S2E27: Reflections on a Challenging, Clarifying, Transformative Year

S2E27: Reflections on a Challenging, Clarifying, Transformative Year

There’s been an intense focus on getting back to normal, but what this year and our Pro Bono Perspectives guests have highlighted is that normal is not okay and we don’t want to go back there. That to me is the light that is shining through the cracks: we are coming out of 2020 with a new and clear mandate for social and racial justice and a renewed sense of purpose.

S2E20: Dana Castro, HP & Justin van Fleet, GBC-Education

If we want to solve this public health crisis, we need to invest in education. If we want to solve the climate crisis, if we want to promote peace and security, economic growth, job creation – education is the key to unlocking all of these different social issues.