Topic: Business Case

S3E10: Caroline Barlerin, Platypus Advisors

Is rising inequality an inevitable consequence of today’s technology-driven economic transformations? No, but we do need to challenge the status quo to really take a pause and reflect on where we are and what we can do, and it does require top-down and bottom-up voices to make it happen.

Dave Smith, Californians for All

S3E08: Dave Smith, Californians for All

“The only way that we’re actually going to solve things is through collaboration and, in many cases, not worrying about who ultimately gets the credit.”

S3E4: Jerome Tennille, Marriott International

S3E04: Jerome Tennille, Marriott International

If we think of volunteering as a vote with your time, as civic engagement, then we must do more to make it equitable for everybody to participate. Just like we would in an election year when we’re trying to turn out the vote, we also have to create levels of access for other forms of civic engagement for communities of color.