Topic: Talent Development

Common Impact Names Ola Duru Chief Operating Officer

Skills for Cities Fall 2021 will bring together volunteers from 16 companies with leaders of 17 BIPOC-led, racial equity, and digital inclusion nonprofits in an intensive one-day virtual flash consulting event.

S3E22: Dan Noyes, Tech Goes Home

The digital divide, number one, is clearly a racial justice issue… Racism and structural racism play a huge part in why the digital divide exists.

S3E21: Melissa Madzel, Koya Partners

When I started my career, people weren’t talking about diversity, equity, and inclusion. I just knew that I always felt different. As I continued through different chapters of my career, I became more and more focused on how to make other people feel less different in their work so that they can just show up and do what needs to be done. We have too many important causes for that feeling of difference to hold people back from realizing their skills and their talents.