Common Impact Names Lori Murphy Chief Partnerships Officer
Common Impact announced the appointment of Lori Murphy as Chief Partnerships Officer.
Common Impact announced the appointment of Lori Murphy as Chief Partnerships Officer.
Post-holiday season fatigue. Coming back to work after the holiday break is tough for us all.
But the sluggishness we associate with the first weeks of the new year can extend long into January and beyond if left unchecked. Learn how skills-based volunteering can provide your employees with the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation to do their best work – now and all year long.
Director of Programs Tessa Vithayathil shares her personal DEI journey, the importance of strong leadership and diverse executive teams, and how to walk the talk when it comes to equity.
CEO Leila Saad shares predictions for the future of work, strategies for reconciling gaps between employee expectations and what employers are willing to provide, and more.
At Skills for Cities Fall 2022, Common Impact hosted a Community Conversation on the intersection of climate change and racial inequity, exploring how water contamination, food insecurity, and other climate issues have disproportionately affected communities of color.
Skills for Cities connects corporate volunteers with leading nonprofits focused on climate justice, racial equity, and sustainability to find solutions to their most pressing capacity-building challenges.
“Skills-based volunteering gives me another opportunity to explore who I am in a professional context. It allows me to bring more of myself to work, stretch my skills in new areas, and gain confidence in areas outside my core expertise.”
Increasingly, employees choose to work for companies with robust Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) policies and programs. Inclusive work environments promote employee satisfaction and better work culture, leading to positive outcomes such as hitting business goals, faster innovation, and outperforming KPIs.
The Board of Directors of Common Impact, a national nonprofit leader in skills-based volunteerism, announces the appointment of Leila Saad as CEO.
How can employers not just talk about their values but also take tangible, meaningful actions that show their employees and their communities that they are serious about making an impact? Skills-based volunteering.