Keeping the Spirit of Volunteerism Strong
In celebration of Global Volunteer Month, we’re sharing some of our favorite volunteer interviews, articles, and resources to fuel you for what’s ahead!
In celebration of Global Volunteer Month, we’re sharing some of our favorite volunteer interviews, articles, and resources to fuel you for what’s ahead!
Verizon’s Victoria Lai shares about her recent skills-based volunteer work through Skills for Cities and a web design project with technology education and entrepreneurship nonprofit Hopeworks.
Common Impact and NYC Service pilot program Volunteers for Small Business Recovery matches skilled corporate volunteers with NYC small business owners affected by COVID-19.
“The only way that we’re actually going to solve things is through collaboration and, in many cases, not worrying about who ultimately gets the credit.”
You can state your purpose, but it’s revealed by the actions you take, the decisions you make, the way that you are.
“In a pandemic in the midst of a lot of social unrest, volunteering really made me feel like I was able to make a difference, to be a better person, and offer something of value to a very deserving nonprofit.”
Former President & Executive Director of iMentor Caroline Kim Oh talks leadership, career coaching, gender bias, and discrimination against the AAPI community.
We’ve seen people come forth and say, ‘I need to be a part of deciding what happens for my community.’ That is civic engagement.
Creative Marketing Resources VP Lauren Banks shares leadership lessons and thoughts on how the pandemic is impacting working women, especially moms.
It’s so important to make sure that [diversity and inclusion] is not just the people that we’re putting on the covers or the subjects of the story, but also the people who are writing the story, doing the interviews, the photographers, the illustrators, the team that are helping put it together.